Each year we celebrate our students' hard work with a year end recital. This year our spring recital will be held:

Answer all of your recital questions by reading our Recital Handbook!

Tickets go on sale Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 10:30am. Buy tickets here!:

Frequently Asked Questions:
- All seats are RESERVED
- You will not need a code to purchase tickets once ticket sales begin
- If you buy a ticket for the ballet AND a ticket for the recital, these are considered TWO tickets (even though the price is combined.)
- If you buy a ticket to the Ballet & the Recital, you will most likely have two different seats.
- Our ticket vendor charges a fee per ticket. You will see these charges in addition to the prices outlined above.
- There is no limit to the number of tickets you can purchase. Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis.
- Children ages 3 and under are free as “lap children”, but if they require a seat, they will need a ticket.
- If you would like to reserve a seat for your dancer to sit with you, you must also purchase a ticket for them. There will be a limited number of seats available in the back of the auditorium for dancers (if they do not require adult supervision). If they choose to sit in these seats, they do not need a ticket.
- Dancers are welcome to remain backstage for the duration of the show.
- Tickets will be sold online through the day of the show, however, the price will be at the door for $15 for each show (no discount).

Students should arrive fully dressed in their first costume per the schedule below. Dancers will get their picture take in each of their recital costumes. Due to inadequate orders in past years, only individual pictures will be taken (with the exception of Company). We are happy to accommodate special requests (i.e. sibling pictures). Just let us know at the time of the picture!
Students need to be there at the beginning of their block of time. Please listen for announcements in case we run out of order. We have also been known to run early.
Parents are asked to stay to assist their child with any costume changes. If your dancer has a quick change, we will ensure they have enough time to get their picture taken.
The large dressing rooms are for women and girls only. If a male adult needs to help thei dancer change, please use a bathroom stall.
Parents will not be allowed in the room while pictures are being taken. Please trust that our staff and photographer will capture a great picture!

Things to Know:
- We will start dress rehearsal with our mini ballet, Swan Lake. If you are a part of the ballet, please arrive fully dressed and ready by 4:20pm. Please check in when you arrive.
- Finale rehearsal will start at 5:45pm. Students are asked to meet backstage. There will be a handful of helpers for the younger students. Students should be fully dressed for their first dance (makeup and all). Students will be released back to their parents after finale rehearsal.
- After finale, students must be checked in backstage during their scheduled block of time. After you check in, please DO NOT leave the auditorium. If a student has multiple dances, parents will be responsible for getting their child changed during DRESS REHEARSAL ONLY.
- Dancers will be returned to their parents backstage after they are finished rehearsing. Students need to be there at the beginning of their block of time. We will not wait for students who are running late. Please understand that to get through all our dances in an orderly and timely fashion, we need to keep the rehearsal moving. Each class will have approximately 5 minutes on stage.
- We will take a quick group picture on stage after each dance has rehearsed.
- There will be NO food or drink allowed in the auditorium. There will be no video or flash photography allowed. Please respect these requests so that we can continue with open rehearsals in years to come.
- Parents will be allowed in the dressing room to help their dancer change during DRESS REHEARSAL ONLY.
- Please listen for announcements in case we run out of order. We have also been known to run early.

- Students in the ballet need to arrive by 1:00 for a 2pm curtain. Dancers in Company or Level 4+ should report directly back stage for a warm up.
- Dancers not in the ballet need to arrive at 2:30pm.
- Dancers who dance ONLY after intermission may check in backstage during intermission.
- Each child will have a badge with their picture, name, and dances. They will receive their badge when they check in and return their badge when they are finished performing. If your child is watching the second half of the show, but participating in finale, they should keep their badge and return it after finale.
- Dancers should wear their last costume for finale.
- Please label EVERYTHING with your child’s name. Feel free to send activities and dry snacks (such as pretzels or animal crackers, (nothing that could transfer onto the costumes.) ) with your child. However, we are not responsible for any lost items.
- NO beverages besides water will be allowed backstage. (Nothing that could transfer onto the costumes.)
- If your student is in the first half of the show and would like to participate in finale, please have them join our helpers backstage when called. You can then pick them up backstage after the show has finished.
- With many children backstage, please be patient as we ensure all students get back to their parents as quickly and efficiently as possible during pick up times.
We appreciate your cooperation!

Fake eyelashes are recommended for a professional look for levels 3 and up. Fake eyelashes are REQUIRED for all Junior Company, Elite Company, and Elite level classes.

Unlike dance class, hairspray and/or gel and LOTS of hairpins are needed for a uniform and professional look on show-day. We appreciate your cooperation!